Eight causes of overweight

overweight mum & kid

Overweight can have various origins according to TCM.

  According to Taoism – the science of life and the philosophy behind Chinese medicine – there is no difference between excess or underweight. Both reflect an imbalance. Every human being has his own weight of balance relative to his size, his morphology, as well as to other factors. Above or below this weight there is imbalance.

But it is quite possible to live in this modern society, to enjoy the benefits it provides without excess, if we know what are the causes of weight disorders and how to stop them.

1. Self-poisonning

An acid imbalance (PH) in food can cause putrefaction of food in the stomach even before the body has been able to digest and absorb nutrients. That’s all benefit to the pests that will have feasted before we fed our cells. They will leave us nothing but garbage.

We understand what happened by feeling our bad breath, observing belching, flatulence or stomach pains.

Result: our cells are not enough nourished and lose their vitality. Moreover, the toxic residues can not be eliminated and they poison the cells. A devitalized body seeks rest (not movement). We will seek energy by eating again and again to compensate for the lack of life (QI or quantum information) of the food bolus.

2. The retention of water

The kidneys are the filters that separate the residual water from the blood. The amount of filtered water depends on the quality of our kidneys. Normal kidneys can filter approximately one and a half liters of fluid per 24 hours. The filtering potential of the kidneys is proportional to their capacity.

Exceeding this average dose will force the body to be swept away … if enough exercise is done. Otherwise the water will be retained in the tissues of the body.

The tissues of a zone inflate to receive the new contribution and only a tiny part of water will be evacuated by perspiration. Stagnant water remains and receives even more waste. This residual water, close to the urine, can stagnate for a long time by gradually turning into mucus. This mucus or more solid residual water suggests that there is superfluous fat. This gelatin continues to harden and becomes cellulite.

Yet cellulite is not eliminated by exercising. The only way to go about it is to:

  • drink less, limiting the daily intake to less than a liter and a half,
  • handle cellulite deposits, preferably in sauna or steam bath to dilate the pores and promote sweating,
  • perform intensive heating massages to break the deposits.

Caution: we count in the daily intake (1,5l) the water contained in all food ingested on a day.

If the body has cellulite, it is certain that the kidneys do not work properly Cellulite is identified by examining the areas around the buttocks, thighs, belly and upper arms.

Eating only salads, soups and drinking fruit juice can be a lure in a search for weight loss if our kidneys can not properly filter the totality of water intake.

3. Fat accumulation

Fats are related to liver, biliary and pancreatic functions. Poisons and toxins in solid form in our bodies need to be lubricated by fat to be eliminated.

An excessive amount of fat or fat that is difficult to break down will attach to liver tissue, partially blocking normal liver function. This partial blockage means that more waste cannot be filtered and eliminated. The result: the blood flow to our brain intoxicates the brain cells leading to disorders we call nervous and mental disorders, which are just a few of the many pernicious effects due to poor liver function.

Fat can also accumulate in other parts of the body that are less subject to exercise, such as the stomach and hips. When this happens, breathing becomes more labored, possibly becoming short and rapid. It also affects the heart, causing palpitations (rapid, irregular beats) and even fibrillation (uneven contraction of the heart).

All of these problems are caused by fat accumulation. Since we need fat in our diet, what kind of fat should we eat?

Vegetable oils only (sesame oil as nr 1).

4. Nervousness due to guilt

A person lacking dynamism sits to think about things she must do. She does not do them, of course. She then feels guilty for not having undertaken what she thought she wanted to do; then becomes more nervous; reduces her physical activity and eats to forget her frustration-related guilt.

Vicious circle of excessive weight gain … the more she feels bad, the more she eats and the harder it is to do anything and she feels So even worse …

5. Sexual dissatisfaction

A woman who is not sexually satisfied becomes nervous. But what does man do in this area then? It is his responsibility to accompany him on this “interplanetary” journey until they return home.

  • He arouses his emotions so his sexual desire and ignites their spaceship
  • Then prepare the launch: it’s the pleasure
  • And … comes the launch, the journey into space. It’s orgasm
  • Then the slow return to earth, the gentle crossing of the clouds that dissipate to settle together under the quilt. It’s the moment of shared tenderness.

But in reality most men only tell their partner about the second stage. The woman stuck halfway between the earth and the sky can not reach the last two stages even by masturbation. She falls asleep then unsatisfied and frustrated or nervous.

6. Excessive eating and drinking

For many people this is bad eating habits. Social conditioning or even neurotic manifestations. It is treated in session of deprogramming of the behaviors and by the acupuncture.

7. Physiological dysfunctions

In Chinese medicine, before attempting anything to lose weight, we first treat disorders related to energy imbalances.

8. Side effects of medications

Obesity can be a side effect of some medications. Acidic drugs cause a feeling of hunger. So increase of food. Medications like cortisone ravage the kidneys and other organs. If the kidneys are idling, there is usually water retention again; the process of gaining weight is again engaged.

The impact of overweight on health

Being overweight can have many repercussions on overall health.

Every inch of excess fat forces the body to create a network of extra blood vessels to feed that tissue, forcing the heart to work harder. When the heart is overworked, it loses its flexibility. As it deteriorates, it becomes more susceptible to germs, viruses, bacteria and other organisms that can attack it.

When a heart attack occurs, it causes the death of an area of ​​heart tissue that can not not work anymore. A second attack will damage another area of ​​the heart. This increases the effort to be made by the still healthy parts of the organ, which must work harder to maintain the activity of the circulatory system.

Fortunately, Chinese medicine can regenerate these dead cells. Gallstones are another consequence of obesity. Composed of hard and dry fat, they are very difficult to dissolve. A fragile pancreas, weakened by obesity, often leads to hypoglycemia or diabetes.


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