The health press

Goal: health!

tools to cultivate it

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), with its holistic approach, considers the three dimensions of the human being: physical, psychic and spiritual. It treats all types of pathologies, including some that allopathic medicine is unable to treat.

Its strength lies in its focus on preserving health and longevity. It’s a medicine that encourages you not to get sick! It invites everyone to cultivate their own health. Here you’ll find the tools and knowledge to guide you along the path to full health.

The large intestine

The large intestine is associated with the metal element in TCM. It is responsible for waste elimination.

Dāng Guī : uses and benefits

Dang gui, or radix angelica sinensis, is a major herb in Chinese pharmacopoeia.

Wu Wei, the magic of non-action

Wu wei, or effortless action, is a concept derived from Taoist philosophy that encourages just and wise action.

I’m ill, what should I do?

What we call illness is first and foremost a warning signal sent by our body.

Causes of illness

According to the diagnosis of Chinese medicine, the origin of your illness may be internal or external.

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